Cognitextual: A Neuroanalytic Study of Contextual Ad Effectiveness

According to our brains, contextual relevance is key.

With a sharp turn away from traditional television and print media, consumers are now devouring online content at a rapid rate; on their phones, their laptops and even their watches. This, coupled with a decline in the collection and usage of third-party data, is making it increasingly difficult for advertisers to gain crucial information about consumer interests and browsing history. So then, how are advertisers supposed to market the right ad to the right consumer at the right time? The answer: Contextually Relevant Ads!

In this guide, learn how GumGum works with leading neuroanalytics company, SPARK Neuro, to explore consumers' neural and emotional reactions to contextual advertising within online media.

Contextual Advertising
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What's Inside

Contextual ads always come out on top. Simply put, as the contextual relevance of ads increases, neural engagement increases. In this study, participants were exposed to six different pieces of content with ads of varying degrees of contextual relevance. The results proved that high context ads are 13% more engaging than low context ads!

Spark Neuro used four major biometric sensors to gauge the participants' attention and emotional intensity to each piece of content; electrical activity of the brain (EEG), eye tracking, changes in facial expressions and the skin's response (GSR) to the stimuli.

Participants of the study agreed that ads should contain some degree of contextual relevance to peak a consumer's interests. One participant had this to say: “I absolutely want the ads to be in context. I'm reading it for a reason, that's where my headspace is. If you're trying to sell me something unrelated to my mindset, I don't care about it."

Attention and memory are not the same thing—while banner ads are more neurally engaging to their loud visual prominence, they are much harder to recall than In-Screen ads that are present on the page while the entirety of the content is consumed.

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